Хмм... И вот, эти хосты в их трехмерном виде....Хммм...
что-то не получается у меня встроить видео...
Haruna Kawaguchi acts as the main character girl, performing in her first drama.
Yusuke Yamamoto acts as the host club leader/director.
Shunsuke Daito acts as club’s vice leader/director.
Question to Kawaguchi: This is your first drama, how do you feel?
Kawaguchi: I’m so nervous, I feel like throwing up (laugher). But I have the will to perform well. I’ll do my best.
Question: How did everybody prepare for your role?
Yamamoto: There is the manga and anime to study and learn the role from.
Nakamura: And we also learned the mannerisms of the characters directly from the character instructor.
Question: Within those character’s mannerisms which you learned, were there any surprise parts to the character?
Response: The manner in which one have to “bow” (ojigi).
(Showing example). This is how you normally bow, but we learned to bow from the waist, keeping the angle of one’s neck straight.
Question to Ryusa: It seems Ryusa is the black sheep of the group, and you’re the only one with different uniform. How do you feel?
Response: Yah, it just seems like an error, but…the character is well played at certain point.
Now a question to Kawaguchi: Among the seven actors here, please pick the one who portrayed the character best.
Response: (After playing around with the 7 guys…complimenting, bribing, etc)
Tamaki (Yamamoto) !
Fundamentally, these parts always had lots of tension, but when we’re together we always kept smiles on our faces.
Yamamoto: There is lot of similarity in my character and my real self.
I think even if this is for real, and not just charactering, she’s probably picking me.
Question: What about in real life?
Kawaguchi: For real, I think it’s Nakamura.
(Yamamoto seems down…he thought she’ll pick him)
Now, question to everybody…how do you plan to fight the heat this summer?
Ito: I don’t like to keep air conditioning on…like when I go sleep, I just leave the window little open and feel the night breeze.
Takaki: I don’t think of it as ot. It’s all matter of mind control.
Yamamoto chimes in: Guarantee you guys are lying!
Kawaguchi at the end:
With interesting members, I’m hoping that this drama will provide good laughter and good story to everyone. The drama starts in July.