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jnewseng.wordpress.com/2012/11/10/kamenashi-kaz...Kamenashi Kazuya is Rumored to be Dating Anne
читать дальшеPosted on November 10, 2012 by MIKU みく 3 Comments
It started as a piece of rumor that co-stars for the upcoming movie “Yokai Ningen Bem” are dating. Since there are no pictures to prove that KAT-TUN‘s Kamenashi Kazuya and actress Anne are dating, there have been various “witness” accounts that could prove otherwise…
As reported,
In an article from Bunshun, staffs from Yokai Ningen Bem location said how the two would be “lovey dovey“. When Kamenashi would talk to a female staff, Anne seems to always interrupt and would join the conversation. It has become a rumor among the staff that the two are dating. The two would take their meals together during breaks, they loved to talk about baseball since both of them are Giants fan, and they would fondly call each other “Kame-chan” and “Anne-chan“. Lastly, every time Fuku Suzuki would come in between them, you could feel that they are like a real family.
In a separate article, it was also stated that Anne watched “Dream Boys” last September. Instead of seating in VIP/celebrities section, Anne chose to seat among the general public and privately cheered Kamenashi with a “Kame-chan”. Those who were involved backstage said that Kamenashi was particularly hyper on that day.
Aside from various tabloids write-ups, TV shows like Kugizuke decided to tackle this piece of rumor. Five panelists voted whether they believed that Kamenashi and Anne are dating or not. The TV show presented different “proofs” based from the Tokyo-Sports article.
Some proofs are:
Kame mentioned Anne during his radio program and played YNB OST sung by Anne a few times…(err…isn’t that just promoting YNB?)
Anne mentioned on her blog that she went with Kame to a batting center (Kame as a baseball freak, no-brainer)
Ken Watanabe, Anne’s father,mentioned in an interview that he is pleased about the match when rumors about Kamenashi and Anne have surfaced.
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Lasskal, сейчас текст скопирую)) на английском))
передачка была забавная с этим голосованием. никакого подтверждения, одни слухи. ну почему бы и нет
забавная, но слухи же есть)
Но зачем тебе эти слухи?.. Я предпочитаю в такое не вдаваться и беречь нервы ))
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