На-до - два слога надежности. Если бы солнце светило по настроению - все мы давно были бы на кладбище.
23.05.2013 в 22:10
Пишет korolevamirra:23.05.2013 в 21:45
Пишет chujaia:Чтобы увидеть ORE-ORE, надо срочно лайкнуть
на фейсбуке вот это сообщение, если правильно поняла:
"Dear fans in RUSSIA! It's your turn! LIKE this post if you want ORE ORE to be distributed in your country.
Here is the situation. At the last day of Cannes market here, I've met a Russian distributor. He did not know anything about Kamenashi Kazuya and he is skeptical how many fans out there if they distribute the film in Russia. So, I promised him to show the numbers how big is Russian market for this film.
I am going to see him tomorrow, so we need to know for one night how many fans LIKE this post from Russia. (We will figure out our analysis from one day vote so don't worry, it will not reach everybody, but eventually we are expecting something like 5,000 to 7,000 likes in total for good negotiation. If you have local distributor attached, you will see the film at least in theater in Moscow and iTunes and DVD. Please help spreading the word. We appreciate your cooperation!!"
URL записина фейсбуке вот это сообщение, если правильно поняла:
"Dear fans in RUSSIA! It's your turn! LIKE this post if you want ORE ORE to be distributed in your country.
Here is the situation. At the last day of Cannes market here, I've met a Russian distributor. He did not know anything about Kamenashi Kazuya and he is skeptical how many fans out there if they distribute the film in Russia. So, I promised him to show the numbers how big is Russian market for this film.
I am going to see him tomorrow, so we need to know for one night how many fans LIKE this post from Russia. (We will figure out our analysis from one day vote so don't worry, it will not reach everybody, but eventually we are expecting something like 5,000 to 7,000 likes in total for good negotiation. If you have local distributor attached, you will see the film at least in theater in Moscow and iTunes and DVD. Please help spreading the word. We appreciate your cooperation!!"